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'The Garden I Work In' - an everyday story of gardening folk.
This Acacia has been in its pot for three or four years and usually gets dragged into the greenhouse about now to make sure it survives the winter. Last year we decided it was too big to lug undercover so we left it out in this sheltered corner and it came through okay so this year it is being planted out in the garden. I can't think of a better way of guaranteeing a very harsh winter.
We chose to do it last Friday despite a rainy forecast which turned out to be wrong - we had far more rain than was forecast..
By the careful appliance of science and lots of shoving, levering, heaving and hauling on the rope we got it onto a small trolley
We wheeled it round that garden to its new site and now we had to get it out of its pot.
With more bashing, cursing, waggling and gentle pulling with the digger we got it out. There is a curious thing about Dan, whenever we work in the rain he starts break dancing. He is a wizard at it and he is a wizard with the mini digger too - a gentle and deft touch.
The 'ole.
There was an almost rock like pan of compacted soil about 800mm down where the contractors had tracked back and forth when constructing the garden despite being asked several time so ensure any compaction was broken up. The digger was a godsend because doing it by hand in the rain on a Friday afternoon would have meant that the greenhouse would have been seriously at risk from flung tools .
We had to lift the plant it into the hole with the digger using Dan's dexterity and deftness - Pardon ? I said deftness.
Job done. Backslapping and break dancing all round. Rain on the lens explains some of the fuzziness in the picture .
A nice corner of winter interest still looking okay. Fingers crossed for the Agave - we have nowhere else to put it
Banana Wrap
Last year we managed get to get two plants of Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii ' through the winter outdoors by this method so here goes again.
We cut the plant back to about 800 mm and then covered the open crown with a sheet of plastic just enough to keep out the wet but not too much to prevent all air flow. a circle of chicken wire stuffed with leaves will hopefully provide some insulation against the cold for the growing tip buried deep in the heart of the plant.
Anyone you know?
We 'thatched' it with Miscanthus that we had cut from the garden.
It was just asking to have a face put on it. Fortunately it lines up with a purple Cordyline in a pot behind which gives it more of a witch doctor appearance.
Hey, if you can't have fun in the garden where can you?
Win a shilling if you can say what plants the nose, eyes and mouth are.
I planted these table top Parrotias earlier this year. They will gradually be extended to provide some shade for sitting under.
I had forgotten how good their autumn colour is.
Top quality plants and service from Readyhedge when I bought these plants - thanks guys.
Wonder in the Mundane.
If you work, or are simply out an about, in the outdoors there is always something that will stir your sense of curiosity or satisfy your need for visual stimulation , sometimes to the point of satiation and sometimes even to the point of tears
I went out with the chainsaw to get a pile of wood cut into logs to move into the dry and came across these beautiful lichens and fungi.
Just keep your eyes and mind wide open.
The wood was birch, beech, Leyland cypress, yew, iron hard laburnum - lovely chocolate centre but like trying to cut through steel once it has seasoned - and some cedar.
I am always on the look out for the Face of Jesus be it in my toast , coffee froth or a pile of logs . I was disappointed this time but I came across South America from the times when it was still connected to Antarctica. ........
.....and Africa with Madagascar missing and a bit extra stuck on the west coast.
P.S in case you wanted to know the face parts - Eyes, Rudbeckia maxima - Nose, Rostrincula dependens - Mouth an almost done for Dahlia.
P.P. S Please do all you can to support Extinction Rebellion.